My stickpile grows

I previously mentioned how my quarantine meals are delivered with Biopak flatware (cutlery for the rest of the world) comprising a knife, fork and a spoon. This morning the spoon that was delivered with my breakfast was semi shattered but i used it nonetheless.

What I have noticed with these things is that the spoon and fork do have a little bit of a rough texture. It is like they’re made from the kind of wood that is used to make plywood, pressure and steam formed, branded with the logo and then die cut. I assume that’s the order in which it is done. I will have to check, either way it is pretty neat.

The reality though is that I have become very casual american diner-esque and sparing with my use of flatware and really don’t need all three implements. In fact you could argue that a broad bladed knife, medieval style would probably suffice except that i don’t think i could put my tongue on the blade. Too many years of yelling at me by my parents for licking the flat side of the butter knife at the risk of slashing my tongue has put me off doing that and seeing others do it positively makes me cringe.

Knife licking is up there with drinking from the bowl, which in my book is really only acceptable in the rarest of circumstances, along with holding a coffee or tea cup by anything more than the ear with the most gentile of elevated pinkie.

A bucket of butter today!

I digress, I am won’t to do that, after-all it is boring in this lock-down and work only gets me so far . At any rate, apart from the meals update, I thought I would share some insights into my accumulations. I now have a skinny coke in the fridge, two apple juices, about 18 pieces of flatware and 4 pots of Hero strawberry jam. Oh and about 300g of sugar sachets. At the end of lockdown i shall physically count them, I do believe i may reach a kilo of sugar before i leave, which will be handy for visitors and baking!

Meals today….

Let’s see , the usual pastry platter for brekkie, non descript wok noodles for lunch and fish for dinner with a good helping of vegetables (someone must have heard me) – all accompanied by that green tea cake swissroll (which i guess must be japanese or chinese and not swiss) a pear and some oreos. We’ve only ten days to go, hooray!

Mystery Noodles
What’s not to like? a nice piece of fish and tomato soup!

Oh, by the way, the Man from the Ministry called, he was fascinated to hear that I have wi-fi , he told me to keep my spirits up and to enjoy my stay in the prison – it won’t be long he says…

he says…

Runcible Spoon Adventures